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Social Event Only $20

This is your chance to grow as a dancer, connect with others, and enjoy an evening of learning, fun, and expression—all in one package. With Sonia Rivera’s guidance, you’ll leave inspired and ready to own the dance floor!


BTS Born To Salsa

Love to dance? BTS Social is the place to get your dancing with all the best and friendliest dancers, a large wooden dance floor, and the Salsa and Bachata favored by seasoned dancers.


Specialty Workshop with Salsa Ninja Dance Academy, included with cover, starts promptly @ 9pm.


Social starts at 10pm


Music by:
DJ JLuis & DJ Mark Martinez


Cover: $20 – Workshop Included

Lots of Free Parking


Bring your own bottle ONLY – Soda, Water, Ice, Cups, etc. Sold in front… 

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